2016-17 Officers

Executive Council (2016-17)

President – Melinda Pash (Fayetteville Technical Community College) – one-year term

First Vice-President – Hilary Green (University of Alabama) – one-year term

Second Vice-President – Angela Thompson (East Carolina University) – one-year term

Secretary Treasurer – James Martin (Campbell University) – three-year term expires 2017

Historian – Robert Brown (UNC-Pembroke) – three-year term expires 2019

Executive Council At-Large Members – two-year terms

Gael Graham (Western Carolina University) – term expires 2017

Conchita Ndege (NCA&T State University) – term expires 2018



Member Awards Committee (three-year terms)

Brian Edwards, (2019) College of the Albemarle

Gael Graham, (2019) Western Carolina University

Hilary Green, (2019) University of Alabama


Brewster (Faculty Paper) Award Committee (three-year terms)

David Dorondo (2018), Western Carolina University

Dorothea Hoffman (2019), Appalachian State University

Ralph Scott (2019) East Carolina University


Midgette (Student Paper) Award Committee (three year terms)

Bruce DeHart (2018), UNC- Pembroke

Monika Fleming (2018), Edgecombe Community College

Jingbin Wang (2019), Elizabeth City State University


Constitution and By-Laws Committee (three-year terms)

Jeff Broadwater (2018), Barton College, Chair

Fuabeh Fonge (2019), NCA&T State University

Danny Moore (2019), Chowan University


Membership Committee (three-year terms)

Karl Campbell (2019) Appalachian State University

Sidney Pash (2019), Fayetteville State University

Charles Reed (2019), Elizabeth City State University

Angela Thompson (2019), East Carolina University, Chair


Program Committee (members will rotate according to host institution)

Panel Subcommittee (one-year terms) – NCAH First VP must be Chair

Jeff Broadwater (2017) Barton College

Melinda Pash (2017) Fayetteville Technical Community College,

David Dorondo (2017) Western Carolina University

Brian Edwards (2017) College of the Albemarle

Hilary Green (2017) University of Alabama, Chair

Michael Roberto (2017) NCA&T State University

Fuabeh Fonge (2017) NCA&T State University

Advisory Subcommittee (one-year terms) – NCAH First VP must be chair

Jeff Broadwater (2017) Barton College

Melinda Pash (2017) Fayetteville Technical Community College

David Dorondo (2017) Western Carolina University

Dorothea Hoffman (2017) Appalachian State University

Hilary Green (2017) University of Alabama, Chair

Rebecca Seaman (2017) Olympic College

Publications Committee (three-year terms)

Hilary Green (2019) University of Alabama

Conchita Ndege (2017) NCA&T University

Michael Roberto (2018) NCA&T University

Rebecca Seaman (2019) Olympic College


Audit Committee (one-year terms) – President and Past President

Melinda Pash (2017) Fayetteville Technical Community College

Brian Edwards (2017) College of the Albemarle


Nominating Committee (one-year terms) – not a standing committee – immediate NCAH past-president must be the Chair

Brian Edwards (2017) College of the Albemarle, Chair

Melinda Pash (2017) Fayetteville Technical Community College

Gael Graham (2017) Western Carolina University


Past officers and committees



