Constitution and By-Laws


rev. 3/23/2012


The name of this society shall be the North Carolina Association of Historians.

ARTICLE II: Purposes

The purpose of the Association shall be to promote and stimulate an interest in and the study of history through the encouragement of research, teaching and publication by professional historians in order to broaden and deepen the appreciation for historical knowledge among historians and the general public.


Section 1: The officers shall be the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President (as of 2002), Historian, and Executive Secretary Treasurer.

Section 2: The President shall serve for a one year term and cannot succeed him/herself in office. It shall be the President’s duty to preside at meetings of the Association and the Executive Council and to formulate policies for presentation to the Executive Council and Association in order to fulfill the purposes of the Association.

Section 3: The First Vice President shall be elected for a one year term, shall be a member of the Executive Council, and shall coordinate program activities for the Association. In the event of the absence or incapacity of the President, the First Vice President shall serve as acting president. The Vice President shall succeed to the presidency upon the expiration of the term of office of the President.

Section 4: The Second Vice-President shall assist the First Vice-President in his or her duties.

Section 5: The Historian shall record the minutes of all proceedings of the Association and the Executive Council and be responsible for the deposit of the Association’s records in the East Carolina University Manuscript Collection. The Historian shall serve as the editor of the newsletter and as a member of the Executive Council. The Historian shall be elected for a three year term and be eligible for reelection.

Section 6: The Executive Secretary Treasurer shall maintain a permanent institutional address for the Association, receive and disburse all funds, maintain complete records of the membership and of all financial transactions, and perform duties which may be assigned by the Association or the Executive Council. The Executive Secretary Treasurer shall report to the Association semiannually. The Executive Secretary Treasurer shall be a member of the Executive Council and shall be elected for a three year term and shall be eligible for reelection.

ARTICLE IV: Executive Council

Section 1: The Executive Council shall include, in addition to the officers, two members elected at large to serve staggered two year terms. They shall not be eligible to succeed themselves.

Section 2: The Executive Council shall take care to protect and
advance the interests of the Association when it is not in session, recommend policies to the Association, and perform such duties as the Association may assign to it.

ARTICLE V: Meetings
The Association shall have annual sessions, meeting in the spring at locations determined by the Association in accordance with its By Laws.

ARTICLE VI: Membership

Membership is open to persons engaged in the study and/or teaching of history.


In order to transact business, a quorum of ten percent of the membership of the Association shall be present. All business shall be conducted by a majority vote of those present, except as provided in Article X.

ARTICLE VIII: Committees

There shall be standing and other committees of the Association.

ARTICLE IX: Nominations

The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of officers to the
Association at the spring meeting.

ARTICLE X: Amendments

Amendments may be prepared by the Constitution and By Laws Committee. Individual active members may propose amendments or by laws to the Constitution and By Laws Committee. Amendments and/or by laws recommended by the Constitution and By Laws Committee shall be reported to the membership through the newsletter four weeks before the next business meeting and shall be placed on the agenda of that meeting. The constitution may be amended by a two thirds majority of those voting when a quorum is present.


The Association may adopt by laws consistent with the provisions of the constitution.


The constitution shall go into effect upon adoption by the membership of the Association.



This organization of historians and friends is the North Carolina Association of Historians.


The purpose of the Association shall be to promote and stimulate
interest in and appreciation of historical knowledge.


The officers of the Association shall be elected by majority vote of active members present and voting at the regular spring business meeting.

ARTICLE IV: Executive Council

Section 1: The Executive Council shall meet as often as necessary to conduct the Association’s business.

Section 2: It shall be the duty of the Executive Council to protect and advance the interests of the Association; to recommend policies to the Association; to hear and act upon all appeals brought before it by members; to serve as a reception committee to welcome guests of the Association; and when vacancies occur, to appoint officers and committee members to serve until the next regularly scheduled election.

Section 3: The Executive Council shall prepare a budget by the end of each fiscal year, and it will be presented with the Executive Secretary Treasurer’s financial report at the annual meeting. The Executive Council shall be responsible for obtaining and reporting an annual audit of the Association’s accounts. It shall recommend to the Association annual dues. An additional important responsibility of the Executive Council shall be to solicit funds for support of the Association. All financial decisions of the Association shall be made by the Executive Council with the advice and assistance of the Executive Secretary Treasurer of the Association.

Section 4: The Executive Council shall develop and disseminate
publicity for the purpose of attracting members to the Association. It shall seek in every way possible to enhance the Association’s public image; furthermore, it shall undertake to promote and stimulate the public’s interest in and for the study of history.

ARTICLE V: Meetings

The Executive Council shall select meeting sites and dates of the
annual meetings for the Association. Meeting sites shall be chosen from a list compiled by the Executive Secretary Treasurer of the Association under the supervision of the Executive Council. The date and site of a meeting shall be announced to the membership prior to the meeting. For business sessions, a quorum of ten percent of the Association shall be present.

ARTICLE VI: Membership
Section 1: Membership in the Association shall be open to all persons regardless of race, creed, color, sex or national origin. Membership shall be divided into the following categories:

Section 2: Active: Members professionally engaged in the study and/or teaching of history; voting privileges shall be restricted to active members; (approved 03/23/2012)

Section 3: Student: Open to graduate students, members of under
graduate student honor societies and students recommended by
faculty members of the Association;

Section 4: Institutional: libraries interested in receiving Association publications;(approved 10/22/1993)

Section 5: Sustaining: Both individual and corporate members of the Association who contribute a sum determined by the membership will be designated a sustaining member; a sustaining member may be an active member;(approved 03/23/2012)

Section 6: Inactive: Those members of the Association whose dues
are not more than one year in arrears.

ARTICLE VII: Standing, Special, and Ad Hoc Committees

Section 1: The standing committees of the Association shall be open to active members of the Association. Elected members of the committees shall be chosen by majority vote of the active members
of the Association; no member shall serve on more than two
standing committees.

Section 2: The term of office for elected committee members shall be for three years and shall begin when the committee is elected and run for three calendar years or until a successor has been elected. Initially, upon the election of committees, procedures will be developed that will allow for one, two or three year terms of office.

Section 3: The standing committees of the Association shall be the (1) Program Committee, (2) Membership Committee, (3) Constitution and By Laws Committee, (4) Audit Committee, (5) Awards Committee, and (6) Publication Committee.

Section 4: Program Committee

The Committee shall consist of three (3) elected members, and the Vice President of the Association who shall serve as chairman of the Committee. The Committee shall provide a program for the annual spring meeting of the Association. The Committee must first clear intended expenditures with the Executive Council.

Section 5: Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall consist of a chairman and four (4) elected members. The chairman shall be elected by the Association for a three year term, and shall not be eligible for re election. The Committee shall publicize the Association and shall actively solicit and invite persons committed to the purposes and activities of the Association to become members.

Section 6: Constitution and By Laws Committee

The membership of the Constitution and By Laws Committee shall consist of three (3) elected members. The Committee shall maintain the Constitution and By Laws under continuing review in order to see that they remain functional and practical. When deemed advisable, revisions shall be presented to the Association for its consideration.

Section 7: Audit Committee

The President, with the advice of the Executive Council, shall appoint annually an Audit Committee which shall consist of two (2) members who shall audit the financial records of the Association. The Executive Secretary-Treasurer shall provide the Audit Committee the financial records of the Association and such assistance as requested by the committee. At the summer meeting of the Executive Council, the Executive Secretary shall present the Audit Committee report. The fiscal year of the Association shall be April 1 through March 30.(approved 03/23/2012)

Section 8: Awards Committee

The President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, shall appoint an Awards Committee which shall consist of at least three (3) members who shall report to the Association.

Section 9: Publication Committee

The President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, shall appoint the Publication Committee which shall consist of a chairperson and three members. (a) The chairperson of the Committee shall serve as editor of Association publications. The chairperson shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Council. (b) Members of the Committee shall serve as the advisory editorial board for Association publications. They shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, for three year terms. Initial appointments shall be for one, two, and three years. [Approved at Spring 1992 meeting]

Section 10: The President shall be an ex officio member of all standing committees with voting privileges.

ARTICLE VIII: Nominating Committee

Section 1: This is a special committee that shall exist only for the purpose of nominating officers and committee members. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) members, one of whom shall be the immediate past President of the Association, who shall serve as Chairman. At the annual meeting the President shall solicit potential nominees from the membership of the Association. During the summer of fall, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, the President shall announce to the Association the names of members of the Committee. At each meeting, the President shall announce to the Association a slate of nominees for Nominating Committee membership. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. Members shall be elected by majority vote of those present and voting.

Section 2: At the annual spring meeting of the Association, the Committee shall present to the membership a slate of candidates chosen from active members for officer and committee memberships which are to become vacant. The slate of candidates shall be made available to the membership not later than registration for the spring meeting.


The Association’s parliamentary authority shall be Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.

ARTICLE X: Amendments

The By Laws may be amended at a regular meeting of the Association by a majority vote provided that the proposed amendment shall have been circulated to members through the newsletter at least four weeks before the next business meeting.

ARTICLE XI: Prohibited Activities
Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this corporation (Association) shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by (a) a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law or (b) a corporation contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or any other corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law (c) nor shall any part of the Association’s net earnings inure to the benefit of any of its officers, directors, or members, or any other private individual.

ARTICLE XII: Dissolution

In the event of dissolution, the residual assets of the organization (Association) will be turned over to one or more organizations which themselves are exempt as organizations described in sections 501(c) (3) and 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or corresponding sections of any prior or future Internal Revenue Code, or to the Federal, State, or Local government for exclusive public purpose.