The Journal of the North Carolina Association of Historians seeks book reviewers on an ongoing basis.
The book review editor assigns reviews from a list of books available for review. Additionally, a prospective reviewer may contact the book review editor to suggest a title for assignment that is not on the list of available titles. Reviews that are unsolicited and arrive without assignment will be returned. We do not accept reviews that are published elsewhere in print or electronically.
To be considered as a reviewer, send an email request with your current c.v. to the book review editor, Jeff Broadwater ( Preference is given to NCAH members in assigning reviews. We encourage prospective reviewers to consider joining the NCAH.
Publishers interested in submitting books for review should contact the review editor before sending materials.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically by email attachment. It is not necessary to submit a hard copy of the review. In addition to the review itself, the reviewer’s name and affiliation are needed. Reviews should be submitted electronically in .doc, .docx or.rtf format to Jeff Broadwater (