North Carolina Association of Historians Annual Meeting
27-28 March 2015
Fayetteville Technical Community College
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Friday, 27 March
9:00 –10:00 am
Registration (FTCC General Classroom Building)
10:15–10:45 am
Welcome and Plenary Session (GCB- )
11:00–12:15 am
Session One
1a – Slavery, Abolition, and the Constitution (GCB -)
“‘Laying the Foundation for Banishing Slavery:’ Slavery and the Debate over the Ratification of the U.S. Constitution”
Jeff Broadwater
“The Abolitionism of Samuel Hopkins: An Application of Edwards’ Doctrine of True Virtue”
Richard Hall
Moderator: Ryan Anderson
1b – A World Made Manichaean: Competing Ideologies of the Twentieth Century (GCB- )
“Children of a Lesser God: The Secular Faiths of Hitler and Stalin”
Brenton Murphy
“For the Love of Big Brother”
Namede Bennett
“A Plague on Both their Houses: “The Totalitarian Ideology as a Tool for Mobilization”
Cortni Quarles
Moderator: Thomas Porter
12:15–3:00 pm
Lunch in historic downtown Fayetteville and self-guided tour of the Airborne Museum
3:15–4:30 pm
Session Two
2a – Religion in the Ancient World (GCB- )
“Emperor Hadrian and Rabbi Akiba”
Giuliana Savini
“Constantine’s Christianization of Paganism”
Ryan Lawrence
“Cappadocia: A Land of God and Paint”
Joshua Mayes
Moderator: Melinda Pash, Fayetteville Technical Community College
2b – Indochina Yesterday & Today: Land, Sea, and Air (GCB- )
“People Power in Southeast Asia: Hmong Anti-Communism in Laos during and after the Vietnam War”
Nengher Vang, Elizabeth City State University
“Mayaguez: The final tragedy of the Vietnam War and the Salvation of Air Power”
William Head
“The Dragon and the Deep Blue Sea – PRC’s Use of Naval Power in the South China Sea”
Dorothea Hoffman, Appalachian State University (retired)
Moderator: Sidney Pash, Fayetteville State University
Business meeting (GCB- )
6:00–7:15 pm
Dinner (FTCC – Horace Sisk Dining Hall)

7:30–8:30 pm
Keynote Address (FTCC – Cumberland Hall)
Lt. General Daniel P. Bolger, U.S. Army (ret.)
Saturday, 28 March
8:00–8:45 am
Registration and Continental Breakfast (FTCC GCB- )
9:00–10:15 am
Session Three
3a – Trade, Empire, and Law (GCB- )
“There’s No Fuel Like an Old Fuel: The Importance of Colliery, Contracting & Control of Supply in the Eighteenth-Century Iron Industry”
Michael Kennedy
“Legal Culture and Customary Laws in Colonial Potosí, 1550-1650”
Renzo Honores
“‘Out ‘Sangin’ for the Far East’: Appalachian Ginseng Harvests and Asian Markets, 1780-1850”
Jessie Kiker
Moderator: Charles V. Reed, Elizabeth City State University
3b – English Rule and Resistance through the Centuries (GCB- )
“Adventus Romani: Ecclesiastical Politics and Kingship during the Reign of Edwin of Northumbria”
Brian Edwards
“John Milton’s Readjustment of Martin Bucer’s Marriage Theology for Charles I”
Amanda Allen
“The Reach of Empire: Public house Surveillance in Nineteenth-Century Ireland”
Brad Kadel
Moderator: James Martin, Campbell University
10:30–11:45 am
Session Four
4a – Political Ideologies: Ideas and Actions (GCB- )
“Carl Schmitt and Helmut James von Moltke: Imagining Europe in a very Dark Time”
Bob Whalen
“The Boko Haram Insurgency in West Africa: From Islamophobia to Global Terrorism”
Fuabeh Fonge
Moderator: Dorothea Hoffman, Appalachian State University (retired)
4b – Race and Gender in American Education (GCB- )
“‘Their Opportunities are as Great as Their Imagination and Their Will to Do’: Gender-Based Training in North Carolina 4-H”
Natasha Thompson
“The Role of HBCUs in Civil Rights and Democracy in America and Beyond”
Conchita Ndege
Moderators: Rebecca Seaman, Elizabeth City State University, and Hilary Green, University of Alabama
12:00–1:15 pm |
Session Five
5a – Roundtable: Engaging Students in Historical Studies (GCB- )
Kevin Sprangley
Moderator: Rebecca Seaman, Elizabeth City State University
5b – State’s Rights and the American Civil War (GCB- )
“The Test Oath Controversy in South Carolina”
Dino Bryant
“The Battle of First Kinston: December 13-14, 1862.”
Alan Lamm
“Contagion and Cure: The Civil War Ailments and Treatments of Lt. John Gillis and Lt. James Wallace”
Abbe Allen
Leonard Lanier, Museum of the Albemarle
Past programs: