2024-25 Officers


President – Anthony Johnson (UNC-Pembroke) –  one-year  term – expires 2025 

First Vice-President –  Nicholas Brothers (Robert Morris University) – term expires 2025      

Second Vice-President –  Alan Lamm (University of Mount Olive) – term expires 2025

Secretary Treasurer –  James Martin (Campbell University) – three-year term expires 2026

Historian –  Robert Brown (UNC-Pembroke) – three year term expires 2025

Executive Council At-Large Members – two year terms

Stephanie Wampler (Haywood Community College) – term expires 2025

Misti Harper (UNC-Pembroke) – term expires 2026


Member Awards Committee (three-year terms)

Brian Edwards (2025), College of the Albemarle 

Gael Graham (2025), Western Carolina University 

Hilary Green (2025), Davidson College  

Brewster (Faculty Paper) Award Committee (three-year terms)

David Dorondo (2027), Western Carolina University

Dorothea Hoffman (2025), Appalachian State University

Angela Thompson (2026), East Carolina University 

Midgette (Student Paper) Award Committee (three year terms)

Hilary Green (2026), Davidson College  

Geoff Harris (2027), Wake Technical Community College  

Jingbin Wang (2025), Elizabeth City State University

 Constitution and By-Laws Committee (three-year terms)

Jeff Broadwater (2027), Barton College, Chair

Fuabeh Fonge (2025), NCA&T State University

Danny Moore (2025), Chowan University

Membership Committee (three-year terms)

Karl Campbell (2025), Appalachian State University

Sidney Pash (2025), Fayetteville State University                                                

Charles Reed (2025), Elizabeth City State University

Geoff Harris (2025), Wake Technical Community College

James Martin (2026) Campbell University, Chair      

Program Committee (members will rotate according to host institution)              

Alan Lamm (2025), University of Mount Olive

Nicholas Brothers (2025), Robert Morris University, Chair 

 Anthony Johnson (2025), UNC-Pembroke

Publications Committee (three-year terms)

Jeff Broadwater (2026), Barton College

Rebecca Seaman (2025), Olympic College – Emerita

Gael Graham (2026), Western Carolina University

Eric Walls (2027), Pitt Community College, Chair

Audit Committee (one-year terms) – President and Past President

Anthony Johnson (2025), UNC-Pembroke

Eric Walls (2025), Pitt Community College 

Nominating Committee (one-year terms) – not a standing committee – 

Eric Walls (2025), Pitt Community College, Chair

Anthony Johnson (2025), UNC-Pembroke 

James Martin (2025), Campbell University  

Past Committees Officers