North Carolina Association of Historians Annual Meeting
University of North Carolina at Pembroke
5-6 April 2024
Department of History
University of North Carolina at Pembroke
One University Drive
Pembroke, NC 28372
Dial Humanities Building (Building 379, Grid Location D6 – See Attached Map)
Suite 203
Friday, 5 April 2024
Snacks and coffee will be available in Dial 217 from 8:00 to 8:30 a.m.
Greetings from Eric Walls (President: NCAH), Dial 225 (8:15 – 8:30 a.m.)
Session One (8:30 – 10:00 a.m.)
Perspectives on Early American History
Chair: Ms. Arine Lowery (UNC Pembroke)
Brian Cullinan, “‘Not Negroes Nor Slaves But Free People’: Free People of Color in the Colonial Indian Trade.” (Independent Scholar).
Jeffrey Leatherwood, “Riddle’s Gambit: A Tale of Race and Rescue From North Carolina’s Revolutionary War.”
Dr. Michael Kennedy, “All In The Family: Free Wage Labor in the Pennsylvania Iron Industry, 1726-1789.” (High Point University).
Dial 221
Carolina Memories, Carolina Pathways
Chair: Dr. Emily Arledge (Belmont Abbey College)
Cecelia Eure, “Identifying the Carolina Linthead.” (Winterthur Program in American Material Culture).
Dr. David Mitchell, “Catholics, Convents, and Culture Wars in the Tar Heel State: 1900-1920.” (Wingate University).
Maverick Huneycutt, “‘I ‘member’: Autobiographical Memories and the North Carolina WPA Narrative Collection.” (UNC Charlotte).
Dial 215
Session Two (10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)
Perspectives on Global History
Chair: Dr. Sidney Pash (Fayetteville State University)
Brennan Jenkins, “Sokoto Imperialism on the Niger-Benue: Political and Economic Instability in 19th Century Southern Nigeria.” (East Carolina University).
Dr. Bradley Kadel, “Thomas Drummond: Temperance Reform, and the Policing of Ireland, 1835-41.” (Fayetteville State University).
Dr. James J. Hudson, “Setting People Afire with Our Words”: Mao Zedong’s Writings on Changsha.” (UNC-Pembroke).
Dial 214
Recovering and Recounting the Ancient and Medieval Past
Chair: Dr. Jaime Martinez (UNC Pembroke)
Dr. Jeffrey Lerner, “Three ‘Great Kings’ of the Hellenistic East.” (Wake Forest University).
James Philips, “The Lapsarian Motif in Roman Historical Thought.” (East Carolina University).
Dr. Mark Aloisio, “Hunting and the Medieval Prince.” (UNC Pembroke).
Dial 215
Lunch and Keynote Address: 12:15 – 1:45 p.m.
Chancellor’s Dining Room, Chavis Student Center (Building 209, Grid Location D8)
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jaime Mize (UNC Pembroke)
Session Three (2:00 – 3:30 p.m.)
Cross-Cultural Contact in the East
Chair: Dr. James Hudson (UNC Pembroke)
Dr. Xiaolin Duan, “Three Cities in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Pacific: Where the Chinese Empire and the Spanish Empire Encountered.” (North Carolina State University).
Dr. Gael Graham, “Eighteen Students, Two Instructors and Seventeen Days in Japan: Reflections on Interdisciplinary Teaching in a Faculty-Led Travel Course.” (Western Carolina University).
Olivia Dobbs, “World Heritage and Local Memory: The Ōmuta-Arao Coal Mine Town Fan Club and the Miike Coal Mine.” (UNC Charlotte).
Dial 221
Black and White: Contending with Race in the Old North State
Chair: Dr. Misti Harper (UNC Pembroke)
Dr. Daniel L. Fountain, “The Role of Baptist and Meredith College Leadership in White Supremacist Advocacy and Policy in Early Twentieth-Century North Carolina.” (Meredith College).
Dr. Angela Page Robbins, “‘White supremacy in North Carolina rests in woman’s hands’: Dr. Delia Dixon-Carroll and the Power of White Women Voters.” (Meredith College).
Dr. Patrick Kellam, “Tar-Heel Whiteness: Helms, Hunt, and the Campaign of 1984.” (UNC Greensboro).
Dial 215
Session Four (3:30 – 5:00 p.m.)
(Re)Presentations of Womanhood in the Mid-1800s
Chair: Dr. Mark Aloisio (UNC Pembroke)
Dr. John Navin, “Free Lovers, Spiritualists, Feminists, and the Antebellum Press.” (Coastal Carolina University).
Alexander Owens, “Women on the Quarterdeck: New Perspectives of Women on Blockade Runners.” (East Carolina University).
Dial 221
Roundtable Discussion: “From Conversation to Publication: Documenting and Sharing Stories of Hope”
Moderator: Dr. Christopher Thrasher (Fayetteville Technical Community College)
Presenters: Mary DiRisio, Dr. Christopher Thrasher, and Sandy Ammons. (Fayetteville Technical Community College).
Dial 215
Closing Ceremony for 5 April, Dial 225 (5:00 – 5:15 p.m.)
NCAH Business Meeting, Dial 225 (5:15 – 5:45 p.m.)
Dinner at Fuller’s Barbecue
100 East 3rd Street
Pembroke NC, 28372 (6:15 p.m.)
Saturday, 6 April 2024
Snacks and coffee will be available in Dial 217 from 8:00 to 8:30 a.m.
Greetings from Eric Walls (President: NCAH), Dial 225 (8:15 – 8:30 a.m.)
Session One (8:30 – 10:00 a.m.)
Queenly Power and Image in Tudor England (Undergraduate)
Chair: Dr. Shannon Lalor (High Point University)
Justina Soares, “Catherine of Aragon: Spanish Princess of English Queen?” (High Point University).
Kaitlyn Cruz, “Queen Mary I: ‘The Fierie Tyrall of God’s Saints’ or ‘defendour of the faith?’” (High Point University).
Laura Mackie, “Elizabeth I: Just a Woman Chosen by God?” (High Point University).
Dial 221
Searching for the Boundaries of Trauma and Faith
Chair: Mr. Eric Walls (Pitt Community College)
Dr. Paul Ringel, “The Moores of North Carolina: An Intergenerational Story of Trauma, Hope, and Memory.” (High Point University).
Brian Edwards, “W. O. Saunders: Religious Skeptic or Cautious Believer.” (College of the Albemarle).
Dr. Lydia M. Walker, “Hagia Carolina: The Creation of an American Holy Place in Valdese, North Carolina.” (Barton College).
Dial 215
Perspectives on the Cold War
Chair: Dr. Anthony W. Johnson (UNC Pembroke)
Mike Davis, “Operation Eggnog: Optimistic Cataclysm in the Atomic Age.” (Lees-McRae College).
Charles Anderson Jr., “Berlin during the Cold War, 1945-1990.” (Fayetteville State University).
Dial 214
Session Two (10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)
Theology as Social Change and Control in Early Modern Europe (Undergraduate)
Chair: Dr. Amanda Wrenn Allen, High Point University
Mac Mollins, “Overcoming Ostracization: An Analysis of the Rise and Fall of the Medieval Church’s Doctrine of Excommunication.” (High Point University).
Samantha Dunn, “Soberness, Righteousness, and Godliness: John Calvin’s Theology a as Guide for Living.” (High Point University).
Kayla Wylie, “In Pursuit of Perfection: Examining John Wesley’s Doctrine of Holiness.” (High Point University).
Dial 216
Environmental History
Chair: Dr. Christopher Woolley (UNC Pembroke)
Dr. Lynn B. Harris, “Maritime cultural encounters and consumerism of turtles and manatees: An environmental history of the Caribbean.” (East Carolina University).
Nathan Gill, “From the Mountain to the Forest: Kamayujkuna, Colonization, and Environmental Change in the Ecuadorian Andes and Amazon, 1500-1590.” (UNC Chapel Hill).
Dial 214
The Contours and Complexities of Carolina
Chair: Dr. James Martin (Campbell University)
Mars Grubbs, “Masked Heritage: The Power Complexities of Mid-Century Greek Immigration to the Queen City.” (UNC Charlotte).
Dr. Daniel Hutchinson, “Thirty Years of Mercy: The Sisters of Mercy and Catholic Responses to the AIDS crisis in Charlotte, North Carolina.” (Belmont Abbey College).
Phoenix Riesing, “The Modern Three-Fifths Compromise: Felony Disenfranchisement in North Carolina.” (UNC Charlotte).
Dial 215
Phi Alpha Theta Lunch and Keynote (starting at approximately 12:00 p.m.)
Thomas Entrepreneurship Hub
202 Main Street
Pembroke, NC 28372
Campus Map

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