North Carolina Association of Historians Annual Meeting
University of North Carolina at Pembroke
5-6 April 2024
The Program Committee of the North Carolina Association of Historians invites submissions of one-page proposals for papers to be presented at the annual meeting on 5-6 April 2024. The Association welcomes proposals for:
- Individual papers
- Panels (up to three panelists, one chair, and optionally one discussant)
- Roundtables (up to four participants) – five-minute opening statements from participants and then conversational dialogue with the audience.
- Workshops on specific teaching techniques or practices
- Mixed panels of K-12 teachers, students, university professors, and independent scholars examining cutting-edge scholarship and its classroom applications
- Panels devoted to research in progress (and potential for classroom integration)
Each proposal should include: a maximum 250-word abstract for each paper, a brief curriculum vitae for each participant (please include contact information), and biographical details for use in the introduction by the panel chair. Presenters will have a maximum of fifteen minutes; papers should be eight-to-ten double-spaced pages in length, excluding notes. Presenters are encouraged to submit a written paper to their moderator prior to the conference.
The North Carolina Association of Historians offers opportunities for historians in ALL fields—American, World, European, state, and local—to meet, discuss research, and exchange ideas with colleagues throughout the state of North Carolina as well as with individuals with research, spiritual, and other connections with the state. In addition to participation by faculty and graduate students at post-secondary institutions, the association welcomes individuals whose careers are in public history as well as Social Studies teachers in public and private schools.
Papers presented at the Spring NCAH meeting are eligible for the association’s annual award ($250.00) for the best student or faculty paper; all papers will be considered for publication in the Journal of the North Carolina Association of Historians.
Send proposals to by 31 January 2024.
Further questions can be directed to the program chair Anthony W. Johnson at Additional information about the organization can be found at
The 2024 NCAH Meeting at UNC Pembroke will be held in conjunction with the North and South Carolina Regional Phi Alpha Theta Meeting. Undergraduate students are encouraged to submit proposals for the Phi Alpha Theta Meeting. Further questions for the Phi Alpha Theta Meeting can be directed to Christopher Woolley at