Table of Contents
Volume 24, October 2016
Editorial Information
Officers and Committees
Editor’s Note
Reviewed Articles
“At Freedom’s Margins: Race, Disability, Violence and the Brewer Orphan Asylum in Southeastern North Carolina, 1866-1872”
Brewster Prize Recipient, 2016
Hilary Green (University of Alabama)
“Foster’s Raid: ‘A Perfect Success’? An Examination of the December 11-20, 1862 Union Invasion of Eastern North Carolina”
Alan K. Lamm (University of Mount Olive)
“Hearts and Minds: Race, Sport and Assimilation in the Civil Rights Era South”
Jeff Frederick (University of North Carolina – Pembroke)
Sara Ahmed
Willful Subjects
Reviewed by Joshua Falek
Catherine W. Bishir
Crafting Lives: African American Artisans in New Bern, North Carolina, 1770-1900
Reviewed by Ralph Scott
Thomas J. Brown
Civil War Canon: Sites of Confederate Memory in South Carolina
Reviewed by Jacob Clawson
Adam Wesley Dean
An Agrarian Republic: Farming, Antislavery Politics, and Nature Parks in the Civil War Era
Reviewed by Natasha Thompson
Brian K. Feltman
The Stigma of Surrender: German Prisoners, British Captors, and Manhood in the Great War and Beyond.
Reviewed by James I. Martin
Cécile Fromont
The Art of Conversion: Christian Visual Culture in the Kingdom of Kongo
Reviewed by Jarvis L. Hargrove
Angela Pulley Hudson
Real Native Genius: How an Ex-Slave and a White Mormon Became Famous Indians
Reviewed by Brenda Hanson
David Narrett
Adventurism and Empire: The Struggle for Mastery in the Louisiana-Florida Borderlands, 1762-1803
Reviewed by Jeff Broadwater
Carol Reardon and Tom Vossler
A Field Guide to Gettysburg: Experiencing the Battlefield through its History, Places, and People
Reviewed by Alan K. Lamm
Yeidy M. Rivero
Broadcasting Modernity: Cuban Commercial Television, 1950-1960.
Reviewed by Nathan Widener